

Generational Check-in: Survey on Remote Working

In April 2020, Second Wave Learning conducted a national survey of full-time workers across generations to find out how they feel about remote working and how they react differently to the new reality.


Generational Check-in: Results of a Generational Focus Group on the COVID-19 Crisis

During the beginning months of the COVID-19 crisis, Second Wave Learning held “Generational Check-In” video calls to determine how the crisis was affecting the generations differently.


An Introduction to Second-Wave Millennials

Interested in learning more about Second-Wave Millennials, also commonly known as Generation Z? Read this white paper on who they are and what traits differentiate them from older Millennials and other generations.


Today’s Building Blocks for Employee Engagement

Based on global research conducted in 2021-2022, we have formulated a new framework to help leaders clarify what employees want most in their work. We consider these to be the building blocks of employee engagement.