A Message from Our CEO – September 2023

“Life is a series of collision courses with the future.”

--Jose Ortega y Gasset

Every once in a while, I’ll come across two trends that are headed for a collision course that no one is paying attention to. This is one to watch: The adoption of ChatGPT and other Generative AI applications in the workplace. Or maybe the lack of adoption.

On the one hand, according to Blackberry research report, 75% of companies plan to ban ChatGPT and other Generative AI applications. Most companies that are deploying or planning to implement these bans permanently. They cite that the risk of data security, privacy, and corporate reputation are too high.

On the other hand, over 50% of knowledge workers are using some form of Generative AI tools. A new generation of workers feels that these AI tools are “core to the work they do”. In a report by Handshake, the college class of 2024 is far more likely to be aware and use generative AI in their jobs than the class of 2023. And probably the class of 2025 even more likely.

Meanwhile, sentiment on AI adoption is fraught. According to Gallup, 75% of employees feel that AI will lead to fewer job opportunities in the next 10-years. But this sailboat has launched, and the winds are strong. Adoption of these tools is accelerating. How do you tack to safer shores while maximizing the unprecedented power of AI?

Honestly, I have no idea. But to put all this current moment in perspective, I gravitate to a quote from Douglas Adams, “Technology is a word that describes something that doesn’t work yet.”


Tack and Jibe. Sail On.


(PS if you are still reading this article, first, God Bless you. No one makes it through to the end. But now that you’re here, I need your input. Do you miss “Dear Friends” as a salutation? I ditched it this time. Should I still say, “Dear Friends”? I’m actually not friends with most of you, right? So, whadya think? Friends or no friends?)

Giorgia Howe