A Message from Our CEO – December 2023

“I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this?”

--Taylor Swift

Most people spend one-third of their waking hours at work or thinking about work. And lately they’re complaining and miserable about work. But why? Wages are increasing, and workers have more flexibility than they did before the pandemic. Yet, 34% of workers “dread starting their workday” and 52% of workers feel stress at work everyday. Part of the reason is the vibe-cession, the non-descript existential dread, malaise and discontent or our times. Climate change, inflation, war, polarization, and Netflix raising their rates with nothing to show for it.

But drill down further you’ll find the real reason—one that is less obtuse and more prescriptive. The vocational torment lies in a very simple truth—

Employers are good at hiring and really, really bad at onboarding. The first 6-months on the job are mission critical. It is during this period where new hires crave training, coaching and mentorship. It is where first impressions are made and employees start to learn how much their organization is vested in their success. All this blew apart with the remote revolution. Your company is in Washington DC, and you live in Dallas, for example.

Recent research shows that the least engaged employees are the ones in their first 6-months on the job. It used to be the opposite-- the “honeymoon period” (stupid name) where hope and opportunity are paired with a new computer and great cafeteria. Instead, new employees sit on their hands, at home, often in a different metro than their boss. Connections are never established. The neurons atrophy and they wonder why they are here.

This does have a generational component, as most new hires are Gen Z. Their need for safety, support, coaching and mentorship is an imperative. The solution? Be purposeful about building an over-the-top onboarding process. Reinvent your process, and start with the question: “How can I help new employees LOVE [your company here] in their first 6-months on the job”?  We can help with that, btw.

Make it a priority in 2024.

Honeymoon’s Over. Get Back. To Work.  


Giorgia Howe