EQ and You: Your Path to a Successful Career

At some point in your life, you’ve probably come across that guy — the one who cracks jokes at really inappropriate times, has to be right and have the last word, or has difficulty controlling their temper.

Often, those people have very high IQ’s.

But career success is more often associated with high EQ rather than IQ. And the good news is that unlike IQ, EQ can be taught.

What is EQ?

EQ stands for Emotional Intelligence (or Emotional Quotient). EQ is what helped you make friends on sports teams, complete group projects in school, and get along with your relatives.

Developing high EQ is something you’ve been working on your entire life, even if you didn’t realize it.

EQ is “your ability to recognize and understand emotions, and your skill at using this awareness to manage yourself and your relationship with others,” according to the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0.

In other words, success in your career will depend on how well you’re able to:

·      identify your own emotions

·      regulate your feelings and related actions

·      read other peoples’ emotions, body language and facial expressions

·      and, react appropriately in all sorts of social situations.

All of those things are your EQ.

Slay The Job Using EQ

If you want to really Slay the Job, there are a few tools you’ll need. The first are self-awareness and self-regulation, or the ability to recognize how you’re feeling and managing your impulses.

Others include figuring out what motivates you to achieve your goals at work and in life.

Plus, you’ll need to learn how to be empathetic to other people’s feelings and develop great interpersonal skills.

If you develop high EQ, you’ll rise faster and be promoted more often than people with low EQ. Fortunately, having high EQ is something you can learn!

Here are a few tips on improving your EQ:

Reflect. At the end of every day, recall the significant things that happened, how you felt and how you reacted. Reflecting this way is a great way to understand your own patterns, triggers and behaviors. Developing self-awareness is a huge first step toward self-improvement.

Combat stress. Whether it’s exercise, a favorite hobby or spending time with friends, releasing built-up stress when you’re off the clock will help you manage your emotions better in the workplace.

Watch yourself. Your body language can convey more than words. Make a concerted effort to make eye contact when you’re talking to someone. Don’t cross your arms, slouch or give other physical cues that you’re uninterested in what others are saying.

While your intelligence and experience may get you the interview, hiring managers are looking for people with high EQ for the best jobs. No matter how many degrees and awards you have, a high EQ will be your best professional asset.


Warren WrightEQ